Litter "K" |
On Friday, September the 3rd, there were 8 beautiful blue-roan puppies -
2 girls and 6 boys born in our kennel,
from the mating between:
Puppies - 7 week
KARRAMBA Izomer - Bambi
in a new home - Limanowa
KAMA-SUTRA Izomer - Kama
in a new home - Kraków
KOSMA-TEUS Izomer - Kosma
remained at home
KLIK KLAK Izomer - Fado
in a new home - Częstochowa
KING SIZE Izomer - Mucho
in a new home - Kraków
KOH-I-NOOR Izomer - Kohi
in a new home - Kraków
KON TIKI Izomer - Konti
in a new home - Warszawa
KOGEL MOGEL Izomer - Buziak
in a new home - Kraków